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The Aviation Speakers Bureau has keynote speakers and motivational speakers for every engagement. View videos and read speaker biographies by selecting a topic or speaker's name:
Captain and Aerobatic Pilot

Jim Johnson
Aviation Meteorology

Jim Johnson talks about aviation weather without snowing you. Often referred to as a "Pilot’s meteorologists," he is just that— a pilot and a meteorologist. In addition to flying actively as a general aviation pilot, he is a Captain with Delta Air Lines and a consulting meteorologist in Chicago. This gives him his unique perspective—he doesn’t just know about weather, he flies in it and brings the audience into his cockpit every time he speaks. Listeners not only learn about weather, but judgment and decision-making as well. Jim is the author of Pilot’s Handbook of Hazardous Weather; a contributing author for World Book Encyclopedia; and is a frequent guest on radio and TV talk shows. His civilian flying background makes him ideal to lead general aviation, corporate or airline weather training sessions. Jim has specialized in weather-related flight problems for the past 16 years. As a trained Air Safety Investigator, Jim is a participant in many NTSB accident investigations. He holds an M.S. degree, is a member of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and the National Weather Association (NWA). His presentations include some of the most beautiful weather photography, from the pilot’s vantage point, you’ll ever see.