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Patrick Shaub

Program Topics
Single Pilot IFR—Alone & Unafraid
Making Good Decisions
Why I Fly
Glass Cockpits & Plastic Airplanes
Practical Weather
Name Your Airplane
Many More
Aviation Safety Specialist
Patrick Shaub is a pilot who entertains and teaches from a lifelong catalog of flying experience that spans over four decades. Most of this experience is in-cockpit and platform instructor time. Pat can provide custom presentations or all day seminars on subjects he has taught to students in the cockpit, simulator and at flight instructor refresher clinics and safety seminars. Pat has flown and taught in all fifty United States, in east and southwest Asia, Africa and the Caribbean. He's lectured for AOPA for 20 years. Most of Pat’s flight experience is in civil aircraft from helicopters to jets, his early flying was with his service as a pilot in the US Marines and later in the Texas Army National Guard.
Speaking Topics
Single Pilot IFR: Alone & Unafraid
Safely flying in instrument condition requires regular training and practice. Flying in these conditions as a single pilot requires cockpit coordination skills that need training and exercise as well. Pat Shaub’s seminar course “Single Pilot IFR: Alone & Unafraid,” helps instrument rated pilots – current and otherwise – develop the practices and techniques that take the fear out of flying in the clouds while alone in the cockpit.
This training is available as a one-hour introduction to single pilot IFR, or a four hour “short seminar” that addresses cockpit management techniques for various phases of flight.
Option: 8-hour seminar, four-hour seminar plus four hours of hands-on scenario based-training.
Making Good Decisions
The vast majority of aircraft accidents stem from at least one bad decision. The skills required for a pilot or crew to confidently make good decisions every time can be taught. Pat Shaub teaches those skills. This one hour talk sums up the most important things a pilot or crew need to know about making good decisions. Option: Second hour, or more, with audience participation in real life decision making exercises.
Why I Fly
In November 1968 a young Marine lieutenant was killed in a helicopter in South Vietnam. The young man was the “big brother” of the speaker, Pat Shaub. The day the Marine died, Pat was told he was involved in the medical evacuation of wounded troops. Pat followed in his friend’s footsteps. Like his friend, Pat joined the United States Marine Corps as a helicopter pilot learning the skills that led to a lifelong career as he “flew the lifeline” as an air ambulance helicopter pilot. Pat’s experiences, his stories and his life are a tribute to that young Marine, the people of the emergency services who serve their fellow man, and the God who directs them in His service.
Glass Cockpits & Plastic Airplanes
Airplane technology has changed the way pilots fly, but the principals that keep flying safe haven’t changed since the Wright Brothers flew their airplanes at the dawn of aviation. Listen while Pat Shaub brings you up to speed with some of aviation’s newest technology while harkening back to the basics and what makes airplanes fly safely.
Practical Weather
A new pilot is assaulted by METAR codes, Coriolis force and flight instructors teaching the science and the meteorology needed to game FAA test questions into a passing score on a new pilot certificate. How are pilots supposed to understand how the weather before them will affect their flight? Pat Shaub will spend an hour teaching you how to quickly gather and interpret the weather you needed to fly your flight safely every time.
Name Your Airplane
If you fly an airplane older than you are you’ll see immediately that Pat Shaub sees radial and other normally aspirated engines, tail wheels and canvas airplanes as works of art. You’ll enjoy what he has to say about the classic airplanes that were built at the end and after the last World War until carbon fiber became the major component of aircraft structures. Pat can offer a specialized talk on flying your “type club’s” airplane and help you fly it better.
A list of other topics Pat can do for you includes:
How students learn – Basic Flight Instruction
Learn American Airspace
Pilot Decision Making Traps
Avoiding Controlled Flight into Terrain
Collision Avoidance
Crew Resource Management
Recurrent & Transition Training
And if you have a special aviation topic you’d like to have Pat do, just ask him!