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Rich Stowell
Emergency Maneuver Training

Rich Stowell developed his reputation at CP Aviation in Santa Paula, California while teaching the well known EMT or (Emergency Maneuver Training) program. The EMT program taught pilots from all over the world how to handle their airplane in unusual attitudes, stall/spin conditions and emergency conditions. It was Rich’s unique style of instruction that helped popularize this life saving flight course. As the author of two outstanding flight training books and the producer and host of three educational flight training videos, Rich is anything but an ordinary instructor. He’s a regular contributor to Flight Training Magazine and lectures across the United States from the annual EAA Oshkosh convention to the Sun N’ Fun convention in Lakeland, Florida. As he is in the cockpit, Rich is equally comfortable in front of an audience presenting his educational programs on Stall/Spin Awareness, Emergency Maneuvers Training and Basic Aerobatics.
Perhaps Amy Laboda said it best several years ago in Sport Aviation Magazine when she stated, "What Rich Stowell re-taught me was what I should have learned on those very first flights ten years ago."
Rich recently passed the 1,000 vertical mile marker while spinning. He figures it's taken more than 21,100 spins with students to reach this milestone.